Guidelines for Job Postings on Recruitrookie

Guidelines for Job Postings on Recruitrookie

Company Requirements:

  • Account Name: Use your full company name to ensure clarity on job boards.
  • Company Website: Ensure your company has a functional website that matches its name. Use an email address with the company domain for authenticity.
  • Identifiable Employer: Provide publicly available contact details or verifiable information. Additional documentation may be required for verification purposes.

Job Title:

  • Clarity: Keep the job title clear and focused, avoiding unnecessary details like location or salary.
  • Standard Titles: Opt for standard job titles to enhance searchability and maintain professionalism.
  • Conciseness: Keep titles succinct without excessive capitalization or unnecessary punctuation.

Job Description:

  • Detail: Provide comprehensive information about the role and company, aiming for a minimum of 700 characters. Highlight company benefits and unique aspects to attract potential candidates.
  • Formatting: Utilize headings, bold text, and bullet points for clarity. Limit the use of links and images.
  • Non-discriminatory Language: Avoid language that could be interpreted as discriminatory, such as specifying age limits or using gender-specific pronouns.


  • Completeness: Specify the full city, state, and country for the job location. For remote positions, indicate "remote work" and mention the headquarters location if applicable.
  • Avoid Duplication: Refrain from posting the same job in multiple locations unless there are distinct job openings.

Additional Considerations:

  • Exclusivity: Check if any job boards require exclusive postings. Contact Recruitrookie for clarification if already posting elsewhere.
  • Limitations: Be aware that some job types may have syndication restrictions or require sponsored postings on specific platforms.
  • Posting Frequency: Avoid frequent reposting or refreshing of job listings to maintain a positive reception on job boards.

By following these guidelines, you can optimize your job postings on Recruitrookie for maximum visibility and effectiveness in attracting qualified candidates.